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Part of the #LyonTeam travelled to Athens to the 2019 IFLA Congress and General Assembly. In the congress, they showed Explore features to the global…
Daisy Yoo, researcher from the Placed Project, has deployed our both prototypes, Explore and Participate in one of our partner institutions, Lundby…
Raphaëlle Bats, from the #LyonTeam, gave a lecture about Placed in the 2019 IFLA Congress and General Assembly. The title of the lecture was: “Have…
Part of the Lyon team has installed a booth in the 2019 IFLA Congress and General Assembly. This booth was shared between our research project and the…
One of the researchers of the group, Daisy Yoo has tested a new-jointed version of our two prototypes, Explore and Participate, in the SommerKREA…
As well as the DOKK1 Library and the Göteborg Library Network, the Lyon Public Library takes part in the PLACED project.
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