Raphaëlle Bats presents Explore at the University of Montreal, an EBSI conference

"Did You See My Video? Keeping Track of Cultural Events in Library Collections"

Libraries organise an increasing amount of recorded cultural events. But what do these documents become? At best, they are stored on library websites where they are accessible but not really spread or shared.

Raphaëlle Bats presented PLACED and the investigation she conducted of the Lyon Public Library librarians, mapping current issues that concern the integration of these events into physical spaces of the library and its collections. The study questions prescription, editorial treatment and temporality.

A recording of the conference is available here [FR].


"Avez-vous vu ma vidéo ? Intégrer les traces des événements culturels dans les collections des bibliothèques." Conférence 5 nov 2019. EBSI, Université de Montréal.