Project Highlights 3: Raphaëlle Bats at the École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information of the Université of Montréal
Raphaelle Bats from the #LyonTeam and Enssib researcher gave a conference about the importance of integrating cultural events in the library collections at the Université de Montréal in Canada

In her conference “Have you seen my video? Integrating cultural events into the library collections” points out a problem: a huge amount of cultural events is organized in libraries. Most of these events are recorded. However, when an external user wants to use these resources, there are nowhere in institutional sites. Through the presentation of Placed research results, obtained by historical surveys in the Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, Dokk1 and Lungby, Raphaelle propose some guidelines to encourage the integration of events productions (videos, recordings, photos) into the collections.
Raphaelle’s conference is the result of a strong cooperation between the Université of Montréal and the Enssib. This collaboration translated into an invitation from the Canadian side financed by the bilateral program “Jacques Cartier Interviews”
A link to her presentation.