PLACEDproject workshops with the Design School of Villefontaine.
Alix Ducros, a member of our placedproject team of Lyon, is organising workshops at the library of the ENSSIB with students of the Design School of Villefontaine. What is at stake is the conception of numeric devices in libraries.

Every evenings from Tuesday the 11th of december to the 9th of January, Alix Ducros, a researcher in numeric devices for libraries, is in charge of a workshop in partnership with the Design School of Villefontaine. Alix Ducros is a member of the PLACEDproject team of Lyon and is working on the prototype "EXPLORE". The students who take part in the project are first-year students for a degree in applied arts.
The design of such services may benefit from space analysis, bodystorming or role playings. They are studying how design activities can rely on or be influenced by the environment surrounding the device. During each workshops, a few students are focusing on the specific locations of the library. The final goal will be to imagine and to set up a digital device in the library.
We thank the Design School of Villefontaine for collaborating with the PLACEDproject and encourage you to follow the advances of this study.