PlacedProject welcomes a new partner : Daisy Yoo.
In early October, the PlacedProject team welcomed a new member, Daisy Yoo, who will lead the design of the prototype "Participate".

Having graduated with a master in interaction design and a PHD in information science, Daisy Yoo is better suited to lead the design of our prototype "Participate". Indeed, she focuses on the implications of design in social, public and political issues instead of individuals issues.
The PlacedProject matches with her other research because she already worked with librarians and archivists as well as the project concerns design and the role of libraries in social issues. Based in the Aarhus University of Denmark, Daisy Yoo already visited our team from the Chalmers University of Sweden on the 9th of november.
The 4th of november she visited the team from Lyon to present the design of the protoype "Participate", while Alix Ducros, Raphaëlle Bats and Aurélien Tabard presented to her the design of the prototype "Explore". They also discussed the way they could make these two work together.
We are happy to welcome Daisy Yoo at the head of the design of the prototype "Participate", and look forward to collaborate with her !