PlacedProject members met in Lyon to discuss the Design of prototypes "Explore" and "Participate".
On the 4th of October, Daisy Yoo, the leader of the design of the prototype "Participate", visited the PlacedProject team of Lyon to discuss the design of the prototypes.

Yesterday the PlacedProject team of Lyon, Raphaëlle Bats, Alix Ducros and Aurélien Tabard, welcomed the leader of the design of the prototype "Participate" Daisy Yoo, from the Aarhus University of Denmark, who joined PlacedProject in October.
During this meeting, they presented to each others their work on the design of the prototypes "Participate" and "Explore", and discussed how they could make these two prototypes work together.
Today, they visited the Public Library of Lyon, a partner of Placed, and the public library of the third arrondissement, the Lacassagne Library. This library is the latest one in Lyon: it opened just one year ago, and the staff really supports the maker culture by organising workshops for both adults and children. As this library encourages innovation, the team discussed with the executives to see if there was a possibility to work with them.
We were glad to welcome Daisy Yoo in Lyon, and hope to collaborate with the library of Lacassagne !