Placed in #QQML2019
Raphaëlle Bats (Enssib), Benoît Epron (HEG Geneve) and Christine Michel (INSA Lyon) will participate in the #QQML2019 Congress in Florence, Italy with an article about the adaptation of participative workshops to different contexts.
Libraries are at the core of the knowledge creation process. Placed, as a project aimed to captivate knowledge made by activities, forces practitioners and scholars to think new approaches in regards to the valorisation of collective production of knowledge. In order to encourage this reflection, libraries researchers from Placed organised different workshops to inquire about the potential of knowledge-generator activities.
The article proposes an interesting methodology to understand both individual and group enabling factors and constraints in regards to the transformation of events into essential parts of the libraries collections. In fact, the study is focused on the interconnection between individual reasoning and group one, and the dynamics around them.
We wish good luck to our researchers in Italy!