Alix Ducros : a researcher in numeric design in the PLACED project team.
PLACED presents you an another portrait of a team member, Alix Ducros.

Alix Ducros has an specific position in the PLACED team as this project revolves around the same topic as his thesis. Indeed, after studying information technology and software development, he recently completed a master's degree HCI master's degree (Human - Computer Interaction) in Paris in 2017. During that year, he developped "bibliotouch'", a system which allows people to search documents on a numeric device but also to explore the shelves of the libraries and discover unexpected documents.
He is working on his thesis with Aurélien Tabard, who is also a researcher in information technology in libraries and who is also a member of the PLACEDproject team of Lyon. Alix Ducros wonders how to conceive a public display by taking advantage of the specificities of the context in which they are set up.
In the PLACEDPROJECT, he took part in the workshops on participative conception at the Lyon Public Library by conceiving the tool "ébauche". This tool enables users to draw diagrams on an electronic device so their ideas can be shared instalntly across the room on any screen set up there.
Currently he is working on the prototype "EXPLORE". He took part in the different steps of its conception and design, and he is now organising the development and the testing of this porotype. "EXPLORE" is a touch-sensitive system which enables users to get information on events organised by library.
The set up and the testing will take place at the Lyon Public Library, where each section has its own identity and its own events. A tablet computer will promote the events, give access to documents and pictures of the events, or the recordings of the last conferences for example. The idea is that a tablet computer will be set up in each department of the library to promote its own activities.
An another project Alix Ducros is working on is the set-up of a PLACED protoype "EXPLORE" at the reception of the library. A bigger interactive screen would give an overview of all the activities and the events of the whole library.
From December to January, he is also organising workshops in the ENSSIB library with students of the Design School of Villefontaine, focusing on the conception of numeric devices in library.
We are glad to have Alix Ducros in our team, and look forward for the tests of our prototype in january at the Lyon Public Library and at the library of the 2nd arrondissement !