2018 June 7 : ABF Congress, La Rochelle, France

We are pleased to announce that a PLACED proposal has been accepted by the organizing committee of the Congress of the French Librarians' Association (ABF). The 64th edition of the event will take place from June 7th to 9th in La Rochelle, and will revolve around the question "What are libraries for ?".
Raphaëlle Bats and Benoît Epron (Enssib, France) will conduct a workshop which will focus on the documentation of participatory practices.
It will be an opportunity to discuss PLACED's favourite themes with LIS professionals, to test out the demonstrators, and to exchange about the hindrances or on the contrary the potential facilitators in the French documentary institutions.
We're looking forward to meeting you in La Rochelle in June !
For more information, check the program of the event