2017 July 4: Francophone LIS Summer School, University of Montreal
The PLACED team will join students and collegues from across the world to discuss and share their experiences.

The International Francophone Summer School in Information and Library Science (2eif-sib) has been organized every year since 2014 in one of the partners universities. The 2017 edition will be held in Montreal, within the EBSI (University of Montreal), on the theme "Marketing and Public".
On July 4th, Benoît Epron and Raphaëlle Bats (Enssib, France) will present the PLACED project, and continue with a workshop.
During the introduction to the European research project, they will specifically talk about the notion of value and the notion of knowledge, around which is centered their work.
The following workshop will consist in leading the participants to answer three questions: what methodology would be the most suited to get to know the public, in the light of the issues defined earlier? What (non-digital) service would you offer to your target public? What digital interface would you develop to extend this service?
Check the program of the event