Our #PlacedTeam will hold an #InteractiveSession at the #NextLibrary2019 in Aarhus, Denmark.

Anya Ernest (Chalmers University of Technology), Eva Eriksson and Peter Dalsgaard (Aarhus University), Raphaëlle Bats (Enssib) and Benoit Epron (Enssib/Heg Génève) will hold an #InteractiveSession at the Next Library Aarhus 2019 to assess the impacts of the eventual use of #Explore and #Participate among librarians and the implication of gamification in the library daily work.

Considering the transformation of Libraries into vibrant hubs, our #PlaceTeam proposes gamification at the core of the session accepted in the #NextLibrary2019 Meeting. Gamification is a tool used in design technology to make conscious design choices in a universe full of options. This session aims to inspire librarians into the wide array of possibilities gamification can offer: from empowering them to become actors in the design process to the embracing of its dynamics and aesthetics.

The session will consist on three parts: first of all, our #PlacedTeam is going to introduce some game design theory notions in order to give a better understanding of the theoretical foundations of the session. After that, researchers will arrange the participants into small groups with a simple scenario. By doing so, researchers will diffuse different types of games and game patterns in order to highlight the Importance of gamified library experiences. The last part will take place as a response to the ad hoc analysis of the activity results and the discussions may consequently flourish from them, both on the individual and collective level.

This interactive session is horizontally attached to the main thematic focus of the #NextLibrary2019 Meeting: Civic Media and Data Democracy. One of the current biggest challenges in regards to libraries is to complement the Information aroused in civic media and the changes these things will bring to democracy. These challenges impose the adaptation of libraries to a continually changing context, which demands from them new functionalities. As a result, libraries are becoming, even more, free spaces for communities to meet, socialize and learn. Explore and Participate are pivotal in this context due to the necessity of integrating, expressing and capitalising community knowledge construction as a source of information and, thus, part of the library collection. 

At the end of these activities, the main idea is to give participants a broader understanding in how they can use game design patterns and elements in their everyday work challenges. Furthermore, to have the possibility of testing the eventual functionalities of the dispositives can make the project actions more plausible to be applied by its potentials users.   

See you all of you in #NextLibrary2019